Most industrial machinery is at its most useful under specific conditions. While they perform some of the same functions as forklifts and cranes, their design features greater versatility. Telehandlers provide benefits no other device can match. Telehandlers can also move at diagonal angles and place loads at a higher elevation. Conversely, telehandlers stay level on rough terrain, but they can lift cargo without moving their base. Forklifts can only lift materials a few feet off the ground and drive them across a flat surface. Difference Between Forklifts and Telehandlersįorklifts offer less flexibility and a much narrower range of motion. Forks lift pallets and raw materials across uneven terrain on construction projects, and buckets reach into hoppers and high-sided trailers in the agriculture sector. Telehandler operators keep each industry’s needs in mind when selecting attachments. They even remain level on uneven ground and when off-road.īecause of their advantages, telehandlers are a cost-effective tool in construction and agriculture. And thanks to their precise movements, operators can lift materials above and around obstacles in a cramped space. By using different attachments, booms will haul various materials across the same workspace. Operators rely on a telehandler’s flexibility to carry different types of loads. Investing in one machine that does the work of several helps teams stay within a project’s budget. No other device can haul thousands of pounds with the same degree of maneuverability. Not only do they transport goods across a work site, but telehandlers’ booms let them move with greater precision and flexibility. Some operators call telehandlers a combination of forklifts and cranes.

An attachment’s design suits the kind of load it’s built to carry, such as forks for pallets or buckets for soil. Operators fix attachments to the end of their boom to hold different materials. Sometimes called boom lifts, they move loads with a crane-like tool called a boom. A telescopic handler, or telehandler, is a hydraulic lifting machine used to carry and place heavy materials.